Commission Hero Course Review

Chances are if you’re interested in affiliate marketing, you’ve heard of Commission Hero. This popular course promises to harbor secrets to earning high commissions online. Commission Hero is the creation of none other than Robby Blanchard, who sits on top of his industry as the #1 affiliate on ClickBank.

commission hero course review

About Robby Blanchard

Robby Blanchard has built an empire based on his expertise in affiliate marketing. His prowess in promoting ClickBank products using paid ads has placed him on a pedestal as the most fruitful affiliate on ClickBank. Robby’s journey and growth in mastering affiliate marketing form the bedrock of the Commission Hero course.

What The Course is About

Commission Hero makes a compelling case for its methods by promising potential daily commissions of up to $1,000 via affiliate marketing. How does the course plan to deliver such enticing results? By resting on three main pillars: identifying the best, highest-paying offers on ClickBank, setting up effective landing pages for these offers, and exploiting Facebook ads to promote the ClickBank products. Essentially, Commission Hero aims to evolve its students into high-performing affiliates, all under the expert guidance of Robby Blanchard.

High Commissions Through Commission Hero

The main aim of the Commission Hero course is to help you achieve robust commissions. By following the detailed strategy and guidance provided by Blanchard, you can realize the promise of earning up to $1,000 every day via affiliate marketing.

Robby Blanchard’s System

Robby Blanchard, the author of this course, is no stranger to the system he’s teaching. Gaining the title of ‘The Most Profitable ClickBank Affiliate in the World’, Blanchard demonstrates a profound mastery of the system he shares. This involves mastering the art of promoting lucrative deals on Facebook to ensure success in the rewarding but challenging world of affiliate marketing.

With Blanchard’s overview and guidance, students can maneuver through the intricacies of affiliate marketing and thrive within the Commission Hero system. But remember, succeeding in affiliate marketing demands resilience, patience, and a willingness to invest quality time and resources.

Who is the Commission Hero Course For?

Commission Hero is a course designed to suit both beginners and those already immersed in the world of affiliate marketing. But, this does not mean everyone can jump right in and instantly reap benefits. Success with this course requires certain commitments and prerequisites:


  • Time: A substantial amount of your weekly schedule should be spared for this venture, estimated at around 10+ hours.
  • Money: Beyond the initial price of the course, you should be in a position to invest an additional $1,000+ which will go towards Facebook advertising and various add-on products.

Learning Curve

The course material can be complex, demanding a studious approach and perseverance as you navigate the field of affiliate marketing. You may also have to adapt to an ever-changing Facebook advertising landscape.

So, if you’re willing to plunge into affiliate marketing without any prior experience or an existing digital platform (like a website, email list, or significant social media presence), Commission Hero might be your starting point. But remember, the course necessitates more than just an initial investment or time commitment. There’s a demanding learning curve and a level of risk involved, especially when operating within the often capricious realm of Facebook advertising.

Consider your ability to accommodate these requirements before embarking on your Commission Hero journey.

Commission Hero’s Reputation

Despite its popularity among affiliate marketers, Commission Hero has a somewhat mixed reputation according to extensive research and real student feedback. On the upside, the course is taught by Robby Blanchard, who holds the reputation of being the #1 affiliate on ClickBank. The course promises solid training on promoting ClickBank products with paid ads.

However, on the downside, the course seems to face several issues that taint its reputation negatively. A common complaint among students is the lack of clarity about the significant extra investment required to succeed, which is not stated up front. Secondly, the course’s no refund policy is a problematic factor for many.

Students have also raised issues about getting their ad accounts banned due to the methods taught, which can be quite distressing. Furthermore, the overall process can be confusing at times, and the perceived lack of support also negatively impacts the course’s reputation.

Finally, poor customer support is a significant thorn in the side of Commission Hero’s reputation. The course might have a solid foundation and promise high returns, but it falls short in addressing student’s issues and providing adequate support. This lack of support paints a mediocre picture of the course’s reputation in the eyes of learners.

In conclusion, while Commission Hero does have some strong selling points, it’s crucial to weigh these against the cons that many students bring up. It appears that while the course might work for some, it might also be a tough row to hoe for others.

Student Results

Looking into the successes chalked up by students who have participated in Robby Blanchard’s Commission Hero Course, you realise a mixed bag. While there are cases of negative reviews, there is a fair share of positive feedback as well.

Analysis of the Results Reported By Students

From time to time, you’ll stumble upon some glowing reports from students who’ve taken the course. It’s refreshing to see that some people are witnessing notable levels of success. Unfortunately, these testimonials often fall short of outlining the time and monetary investment necessary to reach this point.

Investigation Into Claims of Success

Interestingly, many students featured on the Commission Hero sales page have flaunted impressive results. However, not all participants have had similar experiences, with differing reports regarding the course’s effectiveness. Achieving significant success in affiliate marketing can be an uphill task, and the results vary among individuals. It’s crucial to consider this and set realistic expectations when evaluating the potential success you may get from this course.

In conclusion, the students’ results reflect an element of accomplishment. However, the investment level needed to achieve these successes mustn’t be underestimated. You need to be prepared and equipped sufficiently to make the most of the course. After all, success in any venture comes to those who are willing to put in hard work, strategically navigate the course, and persist in the face of adversity.

Up next: We’ll examine the course pricing and any additional expenses not mentioned in the product description.

Cost and Additional Expenses

Considering its comprehensive approach and curriculum, it’s no surprise that Commission Hero doesn’t come cheap. There are two payment options available for prospective students:

  • One-time payment of $997
  • Two payments of $597, made 30 days apart

Often ignored until a student is fully enrolled, additional expenses are also factored into participation in the course. These include:

Furthermore, there are upsells that you might encounter, such as the Inner Circle membership, amounting to $296/month. Advertising on Facebook, an essential part of the course, will require at least $200/month. Not to mention, hiring a designer from Fiverr to design your images could mean further expenses.

Despite these costs, it’s significant to mention that there is no available discount for Commission Hero. Upon thorough search, we couldn’t find any legit coupon or special offer. This means you should anticipate paying the full cost, with no exceptions.

There’s a catch: Return policies are also non-existent. The main website states quite clearly: “we have a no-refund policy.“ However, please note that some of the additional products mentioned in the course may have refund policies.

Course Structure

The Commission Hero course is divided into nine comprehensive modules designed to take you step-by-step through Robby Blanchard’s unique system of affiliate marketing.

Module 1 – An Introduction and Overview of the Training

Here, Robby lays out the fundamentals of affiliate marketing and Facebook ad accounts and gives you valuable information about how to use ClickFunnels, ClickBank, and MaxWeb.

Module 2 – Choosing the Right Offers

This module dives deep into the significance of promoting the right offers, and how your choices can determine your success.

Module 3 – Finding your Ad Image

Robby advises on what your ad image should contain and points you to expert designers on Fiverr.

Module 4 – Setting Up a Landing Page

You get a practical guide on how to set up a professional-looking landing page using ClickFunnels.

Module 5 – Setting Up Facebook

Robby uses his expertise to guide you on how to create a Facebook Business Manager account, a Fan Page, and a Facebook ad campaign.

Module 6 – Setting Up Facebook Pixel

Learn how to install and use Facebook Pixel in your ClickBank account, along with understanding Pixel analytics.

Module 7 – Tracking Your Campaign

Properly track your campaign using a tracking spreadsheet and installing tracking links.

Module 8 – Scaling

Robby shares how to scale your campaigns to earn more.

Module 9 – Ninja Tactics

Here, Robby shares business strategies that can help you grow your business.

On top of all these modules, the course also offers several bonuses including landing page swipes, mindset training, and access to the private Commission Hero Facebook Group. As comprehensive as it is, the course structure is purpose-built for successful affiliate marketing.

The Good and The Bad

Experimenting with affiliate marketing, specifically through ClickBank, can be intimidating. However, Robby Blanchard’s Commission Hero course outlines how to successfully navigate this complex landscape.

😍 The Good

  • Expert Tutoring: The course’s most significant advantage is its instructor – Robby Blanchard, the #1 affiliate on ClickBank. So, it’s akin to learning from a master.
  • Comprehensive Training: You’ll receive solid training on promoting ClickBank products with paid ads.

😩 The Bad

While there are positives to highlight, potential pitfalls of the course should also be considered.

  • Ban Hammer Strikes: The methods taught may inadvertently result in your ad accounts getting banned.
  • Hidden Costs: The course doesn’t fully disclose its extra expenses upfront.
  • Selective Focus: The course is heavily invested in ClickBank, potentially ignoring other affiliate marketing strategies and platforms.
  • Refund Policy: There are no refunds available, making this a potentially risky investment.

In summary, Commission Hero presents an enticing prospect for paid ad affiliate marketing but requires due diligence before committing.

In the end, the course has its pros and cons, and it’s up to you to decide whether the benefits outweigh the potential challenges for you. It’s important to read in-depth reviews and weigh your decision carefully.

Final Verdict

Upon considerable deliberation, the Commission Hero course by Robby Blanchard presents both appealing benefits and concerning challenges.

Overall assessment of the course’s value.

While it is indisputably showing potential as an alluring option for those interested in affiliate marketing, it does stipulate a certain level of time and financial investment. The journey towards affiliate marketing success can be a steep learning curve, but Robby provides tangible instructions with his hands-on knowledge in exploiting ClickBank.

Final thoughts and recommendations.

Despite its impressive training, hidden costs and a strict no-refund policy may pose as potential setbacks for a few. Furthermore, exclusive focus on ClickBank and Facebook ads coupled with risks of ad account banning may be major deterrents. Based on the above, we suggest Wealthy Affiliate instead, an all-inclusive affiliate marketing platform that we’ve been using successfully for years now.

Recap of key points about the course.

To summarize, while Commission Hero could just be the perfect launchpad for those willing to dive deep into affiliate marketing and invest substantially, others might find the adage “Buyer Beware” more fitting.


  • Expert-level training
  • Solid information to promote ClickBank products using paid ads


  • Risks of ad account bans
  • Hidden costs
  • Over-reliance on ClickBank
  • Strict no-refund policy
  • Potential issues with customer support

To conclude, Commission Hero provides quality learning, yet overall success depends heavily on the learner’s resilience, patience, and resource availability.

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